Hey everyone!
It's been a little while, but life is going awesome here in Vegas. Crazy busy, but awesome. It's getting really really hot here (surprise!) but doesn't stop us from working hard! For those who have visited Vegas, I'll try to explain where the area that I am serving in is. It's kind of a brain teaser. Imagine you're flying into Vegas. 5 seconds before you touch down on the landing strip, you throw a football out of the right side of the airplane. Then I stop on my bike and catch that football. Just to give you all a visual :) that's where my area is! It's wonderful. It's such a blessing to be able to be here. I love teaching people about Jesus Christ and helping them understand more about the Atonement. I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be a disciple of Christ. If we truly want to do what He would do, how much of the time that we spend in our days are spent doing what He would do? He spent His days being kind. I had an experience this last week that taught me a little about this. Last Saturday, our phone broke. Super frustrating, especially because we had so much to do that day. We contacted the mission staff and the phone people, Elder and Sister Neal, told us to meet at the office so they could help. They don't usually work on the weekends, so we felt super bad. We brought them cookies and some peach bread to try to thank them for taking the time. I was annoyed driving over there and couldn't help thinking why would Heavenly Father have this happen? I don't see the Master's plan in this, it's simply inconvenient for every one. I am trying to master myself in my thoughts, so I changed my attitude and thought "Maybe Elder and Sister Neal simply need cookies." When we got there and were working through it, Sister Neal remarked to her husband that she could feel her blood sugar was dropping. Conveniently (funny how that works, huh?) we had brought some cookies that she could eat to get it back up. A simple, quiet lesson to me. Sometimes, people just need cookies. So don't be afraid to go out of your way, especially when it's inconvenient to help people feel better. That's what the Savior did. That's what President Monson does. We just got an email that said that President Monson went and paid Sister Neider a visit in the hospital. Such a testimony to me about how he spends his time. I love this gospel. I wish I could be better at the missionary skills so that I could spend more time finding those who just need cookies. That's the hope. I love being a servant of Christ. I hope you all find the time to simply be kind to someone. Love you all, take care!