This week we had our Stake Conference. In it, our Stake President said something profound. He talked about how he viewed missionary work as a principle of obedience. That's something that we missionaries love. Obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles. I am a witness of that and have a strong testimony of it. But then he went on to talk about how missionary work should be a principle of faith, even more than obedience. That really got me thinking. Where do I go after I'm being exactly obedient? How do I progress? By acting in faith. It's as simple as that. So I'm changing how I view things and instead of being exactly obedient for the sake of obedience, I am going to be exactly obedient to show the Lord my faith in Him and show that He can trust me as I trust Him. I know He will open my eyes to the miracles that will follow. I encourage and invite you to be exactly obedient as an act of faith and then to step back and watch the Lord pour out blessings on you so much that there won't be room enough to receive it. Stay close to Him and all will work out. May God bless you!
Elder Norton
Elder Norton
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